Open Saturdays
Feb-April 15

We chose the name Integrity for a reason.
Accounting, payroll services, consultation and tax preparation are the products, but integrity is the primary focus of our business.
“My clients deserve someone with integrity to prepare their taxes and advise them in their businesses. It’s my business philosophy and standard. It’s how I live my life – it’s an integral part of me.”
-Yvonne Chastain, EA (Owner)
Yvonne and her staff place a high priority on customer relationships. “We treat people how they deserve to be treated and take the extra step or two to make sure they are happy. We strive to know everybody who walks through the door by name… even though we may only see them once a year.”
Yvonne was a registered nurse for 40+ years until 2015 where she shifted to focus fully on her business. When asked how she was able to switch to such a different field, she confidently replied,
"It's all the same to me. This is just another way I can use my natural and nurtured talents to be of valuable service to others and that feels good to me."
She is a firm believer in building personal relationships with her clients and is a very proud grandmother of 7.

Yvonne has over 30 years of experience providing accounting and tax-preparation services. As an enrolled agent with the IRS since 2010, she is able to legally represent clients in the event of an IRS audit.
On the off season, she exhaustively involves herself in continued education to stay sharp and relevant in current tax information.

Account Manager
Working for 15+ years on taxes and payroll with Yvonne, Donna is known around the office as "the Silent Assassin". Quiet and focused, she executes every task that comes to her desk with precision and skill.
She enjoys time at home with her 7 grandchildren and their increasing zoo of pets. She has served as a Sunday School teacher at her church for over 30 years.

Account Manager
Before Integirty, Tina was involved in newspapers in Central Indiana. When she retired after more than 41 years, she oversaw publishing and managed staff for 6 different papers. She is a published author and public speaker in women's ministry with 4 children and 7 grandchildren. Tina is what you call a GO-GETTER.
She's joined our team now, smoothly folding into the mix like she was born to do it, and we're delighted to have her.
Maybe we should start calling her Tenacious Tina. That could be cool. Check in to see if the nickname took or flopped around the office.

Account Manager
Leah (Chastain) Stanley is a Pendleton native returned. After earning degrees in Mathematics and Education in Nashville, TN, she went on to serve as a high school math educator in Kentucky then Tennessee for 12 years.
Mid 2022 she decided to relocate her small family back to her hometown and join in on some of the fun here at Integrity. We are delighted to have her.
Her younger brother wrote this bio. If you have the opportunity to speak with her you can reference the word "diarrhea" for pronunciation of her first name. It rhymes.

We always have our eyes and ears open to new talent and opportunities. If you are interested in joining our crew, let us know. You may just be the person we never knew we were looking for. Contact us today.

Office Manager
Will is the ghost of a mischievous child whose spirit was trapped inside the boundaries of our tax office and this plane of existence after his death in the early 1900s.
He often takes the form of a wise-cracking adult man from Tennessee and he likes answering emails and creating spreadsheets. It's really strange but we try not to bother him with questions because he gets a lot done for us and we don't want him to start making doors slam and stacking all the furniture again.

Account Manager
Linda officially started with Integrity during 2020. She has a bachelors in business management and is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). While she has enjoyed the extra time with her furry companion, Buster (a sweet senior, terrier mix rescue), retirement was lacking in opportunities for enriching interpersonal relationships. She's great with numbers and even better with people. We feel super fortunate to have her on our team.

Head of Design
Caleb is the master of all things look and feel. Working and studying in art and design since he first came to exist, he orchestrates and innovates visual elements like branding, signage, and even the color of the office candy. Caleb also coordinates design for internal processes and efficiencies as well, and he's even designed some of our furniture!
Sometimes you can find him at the front desk, but most of his work is behind the scenes. He designed this website and you can thank him for all these silly bios.
Caleb is the proud companion of the two most adorable cats that have probably ever been or will be. Upon inquiry, he will show you far too many really good pictures of them.